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Striving to make gun safety education a requirement of High School graduation and gun ownership.


There are around 400,000,000 guns in the US, with another 20,000,000 added yearly. It is impossible to completely insulate anyone from coming into contact with them. Gun safety training, including hunter's education classes, has led to a significant decrease in the number of gun accidents in the country. (source)

A gun is a powerful and deadly weapon, so more training is needed. There are millions and millions of guns in America; chances are, you will come in contact with one, one way or another, in your lifetime. People should at least know basic safety.

Weapon Justice for Levi strives to make gun safety education a requirement of HS graduation and gun ownership. There are many steps to make this into Law, and by voting for and applying pressure on elective officials, we can make this happen.


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